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Dominion of Creativity

Where does inspiration find you?  Is it in a book, a show, a quote, a TV show?

For me, inspiration usually comes from my environment mixed with an uncontrollable seizure of sudden possibilities.  It becomes an obsession.  An obsession that saps all willpower and discipline while simultaneously gives me tremendous willpower and discipline.  This is largely impacted by the idea of, "hey, I can do that".. or, you know what sounds awesome? - THIS!

Thank the heavens universe that my Bride is graciously understanding to all things that captivate my creative and constructive infatuations. 

*I started writing today's post at 10am.. as I proof and edit, it's now 10PM.   This doesn't include all the photo 'opp time I spent yesterday.

Thank you Chas!

I would never have guessed a black and orange clock would start a snowball of uncontrollable inspiration that has been building on itself for a decade now?!

My original office back in 2015.

When I get bit by a constructive/creative bug, I am fixed on it like a cat in a birdhouse.  I cannot turn this shit off.  I will find myself lost in thought for hours. Distracted like a social media feme while trying to drive... they simply cannot turn off the pings coming from the phone demanding they know all about what's going on in the social webs, despite needing to safely keep their eye on the road... responsibilities - bro! 

One of the greatest joys in the complexity of me, is that when I am demanding that of myself, it's really hard to get irradiated - with myself.  I mean, the man knows what he wants?!  It doesn't help that he can tell me out loud, send me a text, email, worst of all, this asshole is locked inside my head?! There's no escape.

Not only is he the paying customer, he's also the one doing all the work?! 

Adding a complex layer of what I bring to the table is only compounded by the famous words of my GP "Well, if I had it to do over again..."  Everything I do is filtered through the precise execution of intent.  Before I throw the first stone of action, if I don't like it, I won't stop thinking about or redoing it until I have found it. I will design it until the idea is bent into submission of absolution - YES! This is IT! because I don't want to do it again! :)  and dammit if ever! It's going to push the bounds of normalcy... without being weird of course. ;)

“The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.” ~Charles Dickens

The Metaphoric, ME

The best way I can explain this addictive infatuation (love) I have for construction & creation is best described as this:

I am a high in demand private Chef who is infatuated with all things cooking.  The smells, the mixing of flavors, shopping for the products no matter the distance - all things.  The craft of holding a razor sharp knife in hand, cutting the pieces perfectly like a swordsman from a time long ago.. It's an art.

The way a sports hero performs in front of thousands of fans, the Chef commands the attention of the patrons waiting to eat his magnificent creations.  There's a level of expectation on how the food is plated.  What kind of spoon must be used for this, and the choice in the style of the plate.  The specialty sauce that MUST be drizzled over this before the bite can be tasted.  But before any of that, pictures have to be taken.  The lighting has to be perfect.  The steam that bellows from the vessel must have the right twist before the photo can be captured or it doesn't feel the same.  Meanwhile, salivating mouths and eager hearts want to eat.

The idea of this eating experience is an extension of the love the Chef brings to the entertainment of the dance before the music even starts.  The patrons love this and when the meal is done, they are left satisfied, served, even educated, all having savored the entirety of the experience.

When the mess is cleaned up and the only remaining smidge of evidence that a magical experience ever took place are the glorious smells trapped in the air and aftertaste of a meal once consumed lingers... when that is all that remains.... 

I just want to do it again! and again!
Especially if I'm cooking for myself! 

When a professional has the full say so of their domain, which also happens to be their craft, what does that space look like?

What does Dwain Johnson's gym look like?  Ever wondered how what Martha Stewart's kitchen or shit, how her hobby room is set up? Or the garage of Dale Earnhardt JR?  Or the music studio inside the home of Dr Dre?

Although I am planets away from the professionals noted above, I can only imagine that their special space feels similar to what I have when I step into my office...

or better known as my

Dominion of Creativity.

Follow me as I give you the tour. :)

The clock mentioned earlier inspired me to build a custom sit stand desk built on an aluminum frame with chevy orange inlays topped off with two pieces of tempered glass.

The desk would later inspire matching shelves... I mean, you can't have a mismatch of things?! 

All of which manifested the want for real office furniture, and then more office furniture... which then requires more space... of course it does! :)

Give anything enough time, technology and purpose will force the hand of decision making.  Like the need to shift from a Laptop to a PC.

ahhh....  do you see that? 

That pretty detail on the PC...


Yeah, that.  It's actual, real oak wood slats.  The design intent with this PC tower was to make the PC look like a piece of furniture.

Oh wait.... 

Is that a white frame with clear tempered glass?  

AND.. No way?!

Is that a back accent too?

That's it.

Time to revisit the wall... 

The PC won't match the space

"Wait, are you saying that the PC won't match the wall... and now we need to redo the wall just so they match?"

That's what I'm saying! 

Your face is stupid... 

Give me a minute to figure it out.




Yes bro! 

Shut up and follow.

Ahem, okay... 

One can't execute without a plan of design, or know the materials needed!

After that, we gotta move all this shit outa the way!

The wall is painted with Dunn Edwards Suprema with a Velvet sheen. This color is DE6369, Legendary Gray. Velvet finish is a smidge above Flat, but below Eggshell.  The nice thing is that it's very easy to clean and keeps the sheen at a low.  This wall is sooo smooth to the touch!

Now to the beams with LED's...

YES! they have lights! and go down the wall!

I don't want to hear it Tommy!

I tried painting the beams with a particular orange, however I did not like the "Dodge" orange.  I was hoping for "Chevy" orange.  So I went for broke and spray painted it with legit Chevy orange engine paint!

To keep the cohesion of the design throughout the build, I needed to add a little extra detail to the beams... a chrome acorn nut.  The car shelves I built a few years ago have an acorn nut locking the brackets into the wall.  It just made sense to bring this into the beams as well.

Looks so fricken cool! :)

I'm happy I had the forethought to include the extra space so the light could pop out away from the wall.  Turned out exactly as I imagined.


Time to move in! 

Um No

Wire management AND MORE LED LIGHTS

Wire management and LED action would take the better part of one entire day.

But shit howdy! SOOO worth the effort.  Looks HELLA clean!


I have two sets of LED's.  One is a nice regular 3000K natural white - which is how I do my cabinet lighting for kitchens.  The other is a full color spectrum controlled via a cell phone app called Govee.  I did not like the natural white color in the Govee product, so it was worth the effort to install both.

Natural 3000K


I got control issues. haha! 

The nice thing about these controls is that they allow me to influence the mood of the space.  Back to the analogy of the Chef at the beginning... When I get up early in the mornings, it's nice to step into the day.

From my reading chair first thing in the AM.

Natural 3000k

Natural 3000k+Govee

Just Govee

Each light setup has a say so with what's going on with the state of mind.

The new workhorse PC gives me A LOT of flexibility in what I can work on.  General office shit, or either it's blogging like I am now, which involves a lot of different software platforms, or I'll super crank up the system as I have multiple design software's open, or even wanting to get my game on with a PC game.

The sleekness of the PC case is super sexy.  Its technical specs is a Fractal Design North Chalk White ATX Mid Tower gaming case with tempered glass with genuine oak wood slats.

The shape of my curved monitors do a bang up job concealing the footprint of the case.  Although it's a normal sized case, perfect for my needs, it's really nice that the spot where it sits is as if it were designed this way all along... ;)

I love being able to chill in my reading chair and pop up and see it there as if it's a beautiful car parked inside an elegant, well lit garage. :)

A super cool feature is that there is considerable vacant space within.  This gives me the best spot to show off the challenge coins I've earned over the years.  It provides a nice shadow box vibe to it while the LED lights from the fans and other components within light everything up something wonderful.

We've all heard the adage needing to use the right tool for the job.  Sure you can use a big ass shovel to garden with.  I mean IT WILL WORK.. but bro.  Same goes for the use of a drill... or 5.  They each have their application.

Same logic goes behind a computer keyboard.  Lord, does one make a difference from the next!  

The RedThunder mechanical keyboard above is great for my Autocad designs cause I pound on the keys like a pianist! Not to mention, when gaming, the controls feel different.  So if I spend hours already sitting at the desk working, it sure is nice to switch gears and use my soft and hella quiet Macally keyboard like I am now.  Can't go wrong either with my Delux mouse.  It's ergonomically designed to hold it the way one would drink a soda can.  Hell yes for sure!! :)

I fought long and hard about putting a TV in my office.  Maybe it was the sophisticated side wanting it to be without.  However, I did feel hella bad kicking Chas out of the living room so I could get my game on.   Ultimately I did commit to the TV.  After being in the office for five years without a TV - wow time hauled ass! Having the TV made a nice vibe change overall.

Prior to getting the TV, I thought long on it.  I just loved the shit out of my Elenore picture.  I mean, she did occupy the exact footprint of the TV.. but dude! I scoured the interwebs looking for the right picture and once I found her, I was in love at first sight!  And sure I could make the TV change to a picture Elenore, but it's hard to beat an original.

I am happy to report though, I did find a home for the picture.  Went to a future son-in-law of a friend of ours.  Unbeknownst to me this kid had a love affair for anything mustang.  It was his birthday the next day and our friend scooped it up just for him.  Perfect timing! 

So what now?! I willingly gave up my Elenore for a TV and now... shit dude. I can't find something to save my ass?!...

Then, I figured I'd do what any other self respecting designer would do... 

I'll make my own picture!

Gotta design it up first! 

And damn bro!...

She looks killer! 

Such a nice and fresh design.  Three different pictures stacked to each other as one! 

Now I get to stare at her ALL DAY! from ALL SIDES! ANYWHERE in the office!

Part I think is super awesome is that the new Elenore has creative racing stripes that contrast in deeper colors of red.  In proximity to the Chevy orange, they share a very cool color and shape balance to the beams above.

There is some serious designer joy I get while being locked in here.  For one, I think I've spent the last 12 hours of the day pounding on this blog post.. but it's so damn easy! because I am so damn ass comfortable!  The senses are firing - even if I'm not focusing on it.  It feels like I'm driving a new sports car, but with A LOT more room! 

It's not uncommon for me to be found just sitting in my reading chair and just stare at everything... like, everything.  Chas'll pop in and ask if I'm okay.  As if being mildly startled, I simply respond, no, I'm just staring at everything and am just kinda lost. haha 

She'll find comfort in sitting down in the larger leather chair just below my GratefulMan logo... *and yes I hid the wires inside the wall away from the world, all to be controlled by a wired switch near the door. 

It has that nice leather smell. It's soft and cool to the touch.  Every now and then it'll sometimes have a tight rope sound the way a good leather jacket would sound as it stretches around you. She has said more than a couple times, it is just so damn comfortable in here.  To just chill, but chill and be present... It's so nice.

The part that really stops me in my tracks is being able to clearly recall where I came from and how grateful that leaves me feeling.  Especially as I'm working here in my office... now my dominion of creativity. 


What feels like just a few years ago is really not a few, instead it's ten years.  Poof! gone.  Or is it really gone?  More so, just out of sight, rooted deep into my foundation.  Like scars or tattoos on the body, most can recall exactly what happened and where it happened.  

This moment feels exactly like that, but there are no scars, just a level of habitually infused muscle memory.  Provided one keeps working on their craft, they will find themselves 10 years into the future doing a lot of the same things as before, but with far more excellence.  It's kinda freakish really. 

As I look up over to my right there's a 12 and 6 that has been a fly on the wall for the entirety of these 10 years. 

I remember buying that clock too. It was the first thing that I was able to buy for the office.  Today it is still one of my most favorite items in here.  The thing is, I would never have guessed the depth of inspiration it would provide for me in the decade to come. 

As proof read the last 14 hours of creative writing while revisiting the playful but inspirational story, getting lost in the hundreds of pictures I have taken takes me back in time... a time where I would wait until everyone left the office so that I could spend my free time, unbillable time, getting everything in my little space just right so I could avoid the landslide of shit giving, although playful, I did not want to get picked on.  Right now, I'm definitely grinning ear to ear.

But more importantly, all these emotions ground me to a sudden halt of self reflection. 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words... 

For now, I don't have one word for how I feel as I'm nothing short of speechless.

In this moment, I am deeply, overwhelmed with the truest sense of humbled gratitude.

And with that my friend, like a fire starved of oxygen I am truly out of words.

It means a lot to have shared something so special with you.  I greatly appreciate your time.  It is my honest hope that 2025 is a bang up year for you and your family.

Should you find yourself needing a buddy or a consult for a creative idea at home.. we got you! 

Couldn't think of a better background picture than the one that's been showcased on the big screen all day today.

Have a grateful evening!





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