Well hello there!!!
Happy GÜD Friday to yas! :)
In my midst of needing to hammer out a gud job this morning I'm a bit late in my routine... forgive me. I hope the two adult beverages I've already consumed don't skew my writings. hahah :) I kid... well, kinda. :)
I've gone damn near ALL day without cell service. I truly don't have a clue as to what the hell is happening.. however, unless connected to WIFI, I ain't got shit. Thankfully though, I'm not the only one who's been hosed with texting and calls... I blame our current life state on the cell service.
That aside gud buddy... [you know... I've had all day to think about the Good Friday.... I thought maybe I could find a way to say GÜD as many times as I coÜld.... but, that'd get old super quick]....
So when I got home and changed out of my gud work uniform... hahhaha.. I'm not going to beat that one to death today.. hahah... as I was pulling my chapstick from my pock [total Avin'ism... *pocket... when he was little he said "hang on, hang on... let me get it from my pock".. hahha... anyway!... as I was taking the chapstick outa my pocket (Chas hates loose shit in the wash btw.. ) I looked up...
that damn Trader Joes bag looking down on me.. taunting me.

I was like... I'm tried of this.. what the hell is that?? - I forgot..
As if the universe was listening to my every thought...

This Easter Sunday... 04/12/20 will be our 17 years married anniversary with my wonderful bride, Chas.
Given that this Sunday, Easter Sunday, 04//12/20, is mine and Chas's wedding anniversary, I was compelled to take'r down and crack open the seal. This Trader Joes bag has been sealed since like almost 7 years ago.. I've not touched this bag since we moved in 08/22/13... I know.. I'm weird.
In short, I felt like Indiana Jones opening up the tumb of whatever he opened... (Sadly I was north of 6th grade when I saw that movie... I know.... )... anyway, like trapped air locked in the Trader Joes bag... a gust of old closet dust and other shit just "poof" cracked opened when I cut the packing tape around it.
This Sunday I will have been married to my wonderful bride, Chas, for 17 years... together 19 years... but still.. damn. Talk about feeling old bro!!
As epic and old as the pics are.. the almost 7year lock down they've had inside the Trader Joes bag.... it's a GÜD Friday.... why not share a GÜD wedding story with a friend?!
We've all heard.. an image is worth 1,000 words... so... in a vulnerable moment of authenticity... I'll let the pictures tell the story... 17 years ago this Sunday. <3
For environmental awareness... Chas and I got married at Saguaro Ranch Park. It was a place where as a small kid I watched many other people get married there. It was special to me to be married in the same place I grew up. Thankfully my precious bride.... she felt the same way. <3
I let the pictures tell the story of that wonderful day :)

I know you can see it... I was such a gangster! check out that strut!

Leave it to me... to us... to marry some crazy ass cajun chick from Louisiana... of course there were chickens to walk her and her Dad down the aisle... like really! chickens!

More chickens!

Keep in mind... as unconventional and non traditional as Chas and I are... we also wrote our own vows. For the sake of keeping things special, I won't share the actual words [found then inside the album]....
I CAN TELL YOU! hahaha.... Chas used the words "obey" as they rhymed well with the next words. The awesome photographer caught my Mom's response to her words.

DUDE! Check out my Gramma...
the one wearing the dope ass shades! ... she looks so awesome! ! like having the Secret Service at our wedding!.. or a guest from the movie The Matrix! how cool!!

I can only imagine what's going through my Father-In Laws mind right now... HAHAHA!!... keep in mind, when we asked for financial help with the wedding, his response to Chas was, and I quote...
"You don't spend that much money on your first wedding"....
HA! 17 years my man! :)

SO!!!!!... as soon as the ceremony was finished, Chas and I decided before we were like 160% gassed out from taking pics... we needed pics with our main group of friends... :)
Chas and I were the first of our large bunch to get married... so it felt like a big deal to us... we also were the first of the bunch to have kids too :) I'm happy we had these two pics taken :)

I am happy to report!! Chas and I are still very good friends with about 90% of these people. WAY COOL!

DUDE!!!!! I'm not sure if we're like... OLD now.. or just stupid young - then?!

For the record.... although it doesn't convey well here.... I'm the oldest of 4....

Shawn - Chas's Step Dad at the time [ still important in our lives today :) ] , Chas's Mom, Chas, Sally - Step Mom, Chas's Dad

Chas and her sweet Mom... RIP sweet Miss Nanna Dale <3

My Mom, Me, my Dad

Chas is the only girl of 2 brothers...

Chas and her God Daughter, Niece, Alyha

Me and my youngest biological brother... 20 year spread, same parents.. (I have 2 adopted sisters)

Chas and I were gassed on pics!! like!.. Hurl bro!!!!! I'm faking my smile hardcore!

FINALLY! Time to drink! Time to party!!!!!!

Chas's surrogate sister makes a toast... my best friend since 6th grade makes toast...

So... yeah... um... I'm not sure who poured these.. but they gave me more.. maybe I needed it?? I guess?? ? HAHHHA :)

This picture... 19 years after we started dating... 19 years down to the month after... 2 kids, 4 dogs, a cat, and a house.. shit man... and I love her more than I ever did. <3....

There's so much stressful news out there... today, on this GUD Friday, it was a hell of a treat sharing such a special day with you from back in the day.. Chas and I talk about doing this again for our 20 year. Maybe if we're allowed to all hang out as groups at that time, we just might do so. :) We'll be sure to share the invite with you. :)
Thanks so much for going down memory road with us. It was really spontaneous and fun to do.
As always, thanks so much for the love, the support, and your willingness to read a man's love for his precious bride :)
Have a grateful Friday, and an amazing Easter weekend! :)
