Good morning and happy Friday :)
Man... if you're not paying attention this life will pass you by?! already April and I'm still recovering from January.. haha! :) soon the kids will be on summer vacation, then bam! it'll be time to start again. Then Christmas, then back to where we are today. That being said, if there is ever a habit you're trying to overcome or something new you're trying to do in your life... in short time - truly - if you keep at it, it won't take long to overcome or accomplish. I hope you all have a wonderful and incredible Friday and weekend :)
Shred Event: Just a few days after tax day, on 4/19 between 11:00a - 2:00p, around 83rd & Tbird some of my friends are having a free shred event. If you bring your box'o shareable's they'll be able to quickly take care of that for you. It's a no pressure just wanna help people out kinda thing... so for those of you whom are interested, I've included the flyer. :)